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Chocolate, the lethal poison for your dog

Chocolate, the lethal poison for your dog

Chocolate has a distinct taste that we humans find difficult to resist. No wonder our furry friends tend to steal a bar of chocolate when they have a chance, but they don't know how chocolate is a lethal poison for them, no matter how small the amount❕

📋 According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), chocolate is #4 of the top 10 most common dog poisons. In addition, fatalities have been reported in cocoa products fed to livestock and in animals consuming mulch from cocoa bean hulls.

If you want to know why chocolate is a lethal poison to your dog, keep reading our article to find out the reasons, the amount and types that are toxic, the symptoms of poisoning, and Actions to take, and how to keep your dog safe from this lethal poison.


Chocolate, the lethal poison for your dog

Chocolate is extracted from the roasted and ground seeds of the cacao tree, which contain 2 poisonous components to dogs: Theobromine and Caffeine.

Both are structurally identical and belong to a chemical group called "Methylxanthine", and act as a diuretic, heart stimulant, vasodilator, and smooth muscle relaxant in both animals and humans.

After being readily absorbed by GIT, methylxanthine (theobromine & caffeine) is widely distributed throughout the body, metabolizes in the liver, undergoes enterohepatic recycling, 🠊 then eliminates in the urine.

Unlike humans, Dogs are more sensitive to the chemical effects of methylxanthine and can't metabolize it. So it affects the dog's nervous and cardiovascular systems 🠊 causing dehydration quickly, ↑ high heart rate, stimulating the nervous system, and hyperactive behavior.


Chocolate, the lethal poison for your dog

📌 As the old saying goes, "The dose makes the poison". The toxicity of chocolate depends on three main factors :

★ Weight of your dog.
★ The type of chocolate.
★ The amount of chocolate that was eaten. 

Your dog’s weight is an important factor along with the type and amount of chocolate that has been eaten. For example, if a 10-pound dog has eaten a smaller amount of dark chocolate, he could suffer more severe signs same to a 50-pound dog that has eaten the same amount.

👉 The smaller the dog, the more at risk of chocolate toxicity.

The Veterinary Information Network (VIN) determined that the average toxic dose of methylxanthine is ~ 100-120 mg per pound of a dog's weight:

★ Theobromine is 45.3 mg per pound.
★ Caffeine is approximately 63.5 mg per pound

But severe signs and deaths may occur in much smaller amounts, as canine sensitivity to methylxanthine varies from one dog to another.  

⚡ In addition to the chocolate itself, the other ingredients it contains, such as sugar, fats, raisins, walnuts, and macadamia nuts are also toxic to your dog.

⚠ In mild cases or in dogs with more sensitive stomachs, the sugars and fats in chocolate may cause an upset stomach but it is temporary. This is what happens in most cases of eating chocolate.

⚠  In severe cases, just fats in chocolate may cause a fatal metabolic disease in dogs called pancreatitis.


Chocolate, the lethal poison for your dog

📌 As a general rule, the darker and more bitter the chocolate, the more amounts of methylxanthine, and the more toxic and dangerous it will be to your dog. 

Even so, all types of chocolate can be toxic to dogs, the amount of methylxanthine in each type varies, due to the different cocoa beans, as well as other chocolate ingredients.

🎯 Types of chocolate and the amount of methylxanthine in each type in milligrams (mg) per ounce (oz):

★ Cacao beans: ~300-1500 mg/oz, the most toxic.
★ Cocoa powder: ~400-800 mg/oz, the more toxic.
★ Unsweetened baking chocolate: ~390-450 mg/oz.
★ Dark chocolate: ~135-450 mg/oz.
★ Semisweet chocolate: ~150–160 mg/oz.
★ Milk chocolate: ~44-60 mg/oz.
★ White chocolate: ~0.25 mg/ounce), the lowest toxic.

Although white chocolate contains very little methylxanthine, your dog can get sick from the sugar and fat content of the chocolate, as mentioned above.

🚨 Therefore, as an unbreakable rule 🚫 Never feed your dog any type of chocolate, even if it is a small quantity and white type🚫.


Chocolate, the lethal poison for your dog

The symptoms of chocolate poisoning will typically appear within 6-12 hours. However, keep an eye on your dog as it may last up to 72 hours.

🎯 The most common symptoms, which may last up to 72 hours, include:

★ Vomiting and Diarrhea.
★ Restlessness.
★ Increased body temperature.
★ Increased thirst and urination.
★ Rapid breathing and Panting.
★ Distended abdomen.

🎯The advanced symptoms, that can occur with severe (or untreated) cases, include: 

★ Hyperactivity.
★ Abnormal walking.
★ Muscle tremors.
★ Seizures.
★ Increased or decreased heart rates.
★ Increased or decreased blood pressure.
★ Coma.

The symptoms can last for several days as methylxanthine remains in the bloodstream for an extended period of time, where it can be reabsorbed from the bladder.


Chocolate, the lethal poison for your dog

📌 As a rule, The earlier treatment begins, the better the dog's prognosis... If your dog ate chocolate:

📝First, you should try to see how much chocolate (such as candy bars, brownies, or cookies) was eaten, and note the type and brand of chocolate (keep the packaging available if possible).

📞Then call Pet Poison Hotline at (855) 213-6680 for advice. 

☑ It's preferred to bring your dog to the veterinary clinic if he ate any amount of chocolate in the last 1-2 hours. When making an appointment, be sure to give your vet what you have on hand regarding the amount and type of chocolate that was eaten, as well as your dog's weight.

The veterinarian will cause vomiting to your dog, then will give him an oral activated charcoal solution 🠊 to absorb any remaining methylxanthine in the GIT, before being absorbed into the bloodstream.

After that, you will be prompted to monitor your dog carefully for the symptoms above over the next 4-6 hours. If the symptoms occur, supportive treatment will be required to keep your dog safe and stable until the toxicity has resolved 👉 This may take up to 72 hours, and your dog will have a good prognosis.

⚡ In severe cases, supportive therapy or intravenous fluids will be given to help reduce the levels of theobromine in the bloodstream and promote its expulsion from the dog's body. 

Also, Benzodiazepines (Valium) may be given, to control seizures and muscle tremors. Antiarrhythmic medications can help control an irregular heartbeat.

Recovery from chocolate toxicity will depend on the severity and the duration of the treatment; if you treated your dog early and within 2 hours of ingestion, his recovery can be complete and your dog will have a good prognosis.


To keep your dog safe from chocolate toxicity, follow these 5 helpful tips:

1. Making family, kids, and friends aware:

Chocolate, the lethal poison for your dog

Remind your family members, friends, and guests that chocolate is poisonous to dogs and should never be shared or left out on counters, tables, purses, or any place.

Since kids are notorious for giving handouts to dogs and pets, teach your kids and the kids around that chocolate is poisonous to dogs and that they shouldn't give them any chocolate, no matter how small the quantity.

2. Keeping chocolate out of reach:

Chocolate, the lethal poison for your dog

Make sure all chocolate items, including cocoa powder and hot chocolate, are stored where your dog can't reach them, such as in a pantry or high cupboard, as well as he can’t reach them. 

Also, make sure that their doors shut whenever possible and don’t leave chocolate treats or wrappers here and there.

3. The Special Occasions:

Chocolate, the lethal poison for your dog

Take extra precautions around special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and birthdays, where the house is filled with chocolates and candies. 

For example, you can easily forget about those stockings and Christmas gifts that contain chocolate, which your dog can easily access with his curious nose❕

Or Chocolates may be accidentally left behind after Easter egg hunts, therefore it is better to keep dogs away and make sure all eggs are accounted for before allowing dogs back in❕

4. Training your dogs:

Chocolate, the lethal poison for your dog

Teach your dog the "leave it" command. It is very effective in preventing him from grabbing things that should not be edible or inedible. Early training of your dog in good habits and obedience can prevent a lot of future problems for you both❕

5. Carob, alternative chocolate:

Chocolate, the lethal poison for your dog

Carob is relatively healthy for dogs. It contains many nutrients, like vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber, as well as It can keep your dog's GIT healthy. In addition to that, Carob has a delicious taste for dogs and looks like chocolate and they are often confused. So carob is the best alternative to chocolate treats.


Chocolate, the lethal poison for your dog

As we mentioned in the article, make an unbreakable general rule: 

🚫 You, your family, your friends, and your kids shouldn't give chocolate to your dog and their dogs 🚫

Regardless of the quantity or type, if chocolate doesn't cause death, it will be the reason for illness.

Since you are responsible for the health and life of your faithful friend, you must be aware of what is edible and inedible for him, especially chocolate🍫. It is important to make sure that all chocolate items are kept in a safe place away from his curious nose!

Finally, we hope our article is helpful and has shown you how chocolate can be a lethal poison for your dog and why you should protect your dog from it.

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